Our Faculty

Dr. Julia Seng
The Academic Director of PAI University. PhD mentor, a lecturer in TESOL. Julia has more than 20 years of experience as an English teacher for French and international students. Received a Master’s Degree in English Philology in 2000, PhD in the Theory of Literature in 2011. She also holds TESOL and TEFL certificates.

Victoire Daher
Graduate of SciencesPo Paris (IEP de Paris), Victoire has a Master's Degree in International Relations. She is a project manager in the digitalisation of public service in France and a lecturer in Public Affairs, Economics and Politics. She has worked in an international environment as a diplomat and consultant at UNESCO and UN different agencies in Vienna for 4 years. She has deep knowledge in bilateral and multilateral diplomacy as well as in education and culture. She masters French, Arabic, English, Spanish, Italian and German.

Tim Johnson
The Director of the ESL Program which also includes IELTS, TOEFL as well as PTE and an Adjunct Faculty Instructor for the Business program (BBA/MBA) at Aston American University. An ESL teacher in the Czech Republic for 15+ years. Tim has also coached baseball, soccer and basketball at various levels as well as played baseball professionally and semi-professionally between 2001-2013 as well as done a little youth coaching overseas in Europe.

Dr. Florin Popescu
PhD mentor. Assoc. Professor PhD. Eng. Ec. at the National Defense University Carol I / Information Systems and Cyber Defense Department. Expert to assist the European Commission in evaluating the non-thematic research actions targeting disruptive technologies for defence, Digital Europe Programme -Cybersecurity Call, European Industrial Development (EDIDP) and the European Defense Fund (EDF). Florin is also acting within EOSC Future User Group as expert to co-design EOSC Future services and solutions. He is reviewer for internationally recognized publications such as SAGE Publishing, MPDI, IGI Global Discovery, etc.

Dr. Ali Souag
PhD mentor. Economist and consultant with over 5 years of international experience with the World Bank. Received a PHD in Economics from University Paris-Est i Créteil in 2018. His specialisation is micro economic analyses and impact evaluation program in developing countries.

Dr. Mariya Romanova
PhD mentor. Historian of the XXth century international relationships. Mariya specializes in the history of the World War I and of Russian and Ukrainian revolutions of 1917. She holds a PhD from the Sorbonne University. She also has two Master diplomas. Mariya teaches History, Russian and French as foreign languages.

Dr. Adama Ouedraogo
PhD mentor. Demographer, lecturer, and researcher at the University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Obtained a PhD in demography in September 2020 from the Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne University and the French National Institute for Demographic Studies (INED). He also holds several other postgraduate diplomas, including a Master's Degree in Applied Mathematics a Master's Degree in Population Science and a Master's Degree in Macroeconomics and Development Management.

Monica Goodface
Monica Goodface holds a Master's Degree in Educational Technology. She has 20 years of experience teaching English to students of various backgrounds, levels, and ages. She is also a professional translator from Spanish to English.

Dr. Amna Mezni
PhD Mentor with 22 years of teaching experience. Her area of expertise is International Economics and Finance. Amna supervises doctoral students at Montpellier doctoral school. She has significant experience in project management which allows students to better manage their working time while preparing their doctoral thesis.

Jennifer Marie Powell
Jennifer Powell has over 15 years of teaching experience, in Switzerland and France, at universities (HEC Lausanne, Ecole Polytechnique Federal Lausanne, Geneva Business Institute). A native of the Silicon Valley, California, Ms. Powell has spent over 30 years in Europe, working as an Economic Affairs Officer in the United Nations and World Trade Organization (WTO) also as an NGO Founder and Executive Director, representing UN-related NGOs before the UN Human Rights Council, and UN Economic and Social Commission (UN-ECOSOC) and various UN High Commission meetings. Mme. Powell has degrees from the University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB – B.S. Sociology, B.S. Computer Engineering) and a master from the Norwegian School of Economics, as well as having commenced doctoral at the University of Geneva.