Paris American International University



The Rector of the Paris Academy, Rector of the Ile-de-France, the educational authority for Paris has approved PAI University as a higher education establishment. The Rector of the Paris Academy is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

Thus, PAI University is recognised as an educational institution in France that meets the established standards. Recognition assures you that the institution operates with approved programs of study, qualified instructors, and required facilities and policies. It figures in the directory of the Ministry

PAI University falls under the category of the private higher education institution. The degrees obtained from the Paris American Institute are in accordance with the Code de l’Éducation Articles L 444-1 a 444-11 et R 444-1 a 444-28.

PAI University is certified by Qualifi which is a recognised UK awarding organisation regulated in England by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).

Qualifi is able to give assurances to employers, centres and learners of consistent, rigorous, quality standards and valid, valued learning.

PAI University is certified Qualiopi based on the French standards.
Qualiopi is a French certification that certifies the quality of the educational services provided (professional training, skills assessments, validation of prior experience, learning, etc.) under a single frame of reference.
This certification is a guarantee for our stakeholders of a quality training offer, both in terms of content and pedagogy and the operational deployment of the training portfolio:
  • Rigorous deployment processes to inform our stakeholders and engage learners, to support any specific adaptation needs for our training courses (people with disabilities), to offer high-level training conditions by ensuring the most appropriate means and frameworks.
  • Methods and processes adapted to ensure quality in terms of content and teaching methods of the training delivered: effective continuous improvement, evaluation of the learners’ knowledge and skills.
  • Stakeholder management methods (learners, trainers, internal clients, funders) for: to evaluate the quality of our training courses, to adapt and co-construct training courses that meet the needs of participants and sponsors.
The audit is based on 32 indicators divided into 7 criteria:
  • The conditions for informing the public about the services offered, the time required to access them and the results obtained.
  • The precise identification of the objectives of the proposed services and the adaptation of these services to the beneficiary public, when designing the services.
  • The adaptation of the services and of the reception, support, follow-up and evaluation methods implemented to the beneficiary public.
  • The adequacy of the educational, technical and supervisory resources for the services provided.
  • Qualification and development of the knowledge and skills of the teams in charge of implementing the services.
  • The registration and investment of the provider in his professional environment.
  • Collecting and taking into account the assessments and complaints made by the parties involved in the services provided.
There are a number of funding mechanisms for professional programs, making training accessible to all, in Qualiopi certified institutions.
 Major condition: the student wishing to have the funding should be a professional or affiliated to a company (considering that Qualiopi is a certification of the quality of the programs to acquire competencies to work in the market).
Any person who works or has worked in France and paid taxes is eligible (French citizens, Eu citizens and other nationalities too).
The funding options for the students to study in our Qualiopi certified institute:
 – The Personal Training Account (CPF): Introduced in France, the CPF is a system that enables all workers to accumulate training hours throughout their professional career. These hours can be used to finance all or part of a training course. The CPF is individual and linked to the person.
 – Financing by Opérateurs de Compétences (OPCOs): OPCOs are bodies responsible for financing vocational training for employees and the self-employed. More specifically, they are state-approved interlocutors for skills development initiatives. The structure is divided into 11 categories corresponding to the different professional branches and working statuses.
 – FAF (Fond d’assurance Formation) : OPCOs contribute to the financing of vocational training for employees, as well as the self-employed.
 – Regional schemes: Local authorities, such as regions, can also offer funding schemes for vocational training. These schemes are often specific to each region, and aim to support the employability of local residents. They can take the form of subsidies, partial or total coverage of training costs, or other forms of financial assistance. The Conseil Régional gives priority to financing training courses for people who are not receiving compensation from Pôle emploi.
 – Financing by Pôle emploi: Pôle emploi gives priority to financing training courses for jobseekers.
 – Plan de Transition Professionnel (PTP) (Professional Transition Plan): This is a scheme that allows financing the training while maintaining the salary.
 – Fonds National de l’Emploi (FNE) (National Employment Fund): FNE-Formation (National Employment Fund) is a scheme designed to provide training for employees on part-time or long-term contracts, or employed by a company in difficulty, undergoing change and/or taking over a business.
 – Call for projects: the aim of this scheme is to finance sector-based employment-training action-studies. The call for projects can be regional or national in nature.
 It is important to note that these different financing options can be cumulative. For example, an employee can use his CPF to finance part of his training, while the company can benefit from additional funding from its OPCO.
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